“Spectrum is DTT oxygen” said BNE Vice Chairman, Bernard Pauchon at the last Regional Meeting of Broadcasting Organizations and Transmitting Equipment Manufacturers – (MBT 2013) held in Belgrade on 25-26 May 2013.
Gathering representatives of broadcasters and regulatory agencies from the region as well as broadcasting equipment manufacturers from all over the world and special guests from EBU and ITU, the conference was a great opportunity for BNE to outline the industry’s views on the challenges and future of terrestrial broadcasting.
As part of his presentation BNE Vice Chairman highlighted
– Presented a number of facts and figures reflecting the importance of DTT in Europe and DTT’s spectacular growth;
– Insisted on DTT being an innovative technology and a lively service and draw attention to potential challenges arising from technical innovation;
– Detailed the spectrum issues for DTT on the International and European scene and the various activities BNE is involved with to defend the industry’s interests;
– Demonstrated the efficient use of spectrum by DTT
– Invited the audience to treat mobile data growth forecasts with caution
– Restated spectrum needs for broadcasting and BNE’s key messages in relation to the 700 MHz band and the future of the whole UHF band.
– Reminded industry representatives of the importance to fight this battle at national level in addition to BNE being active at the EU and international levels.
Click here to view the full presentation